Landlord fees

Services before a Tenancy starts

Property Appraisal and advice on likely rent
Advice on Safety Regulations
Marketing and photographs
Display on our own website, Rightmove and OnTheMarket
Arranging EPC Certificate*
Accompanied viewings with prospective tenants
Collecting deposit from tenant
Collecting first month's rent
Arrange for independent company to prepare detailed Inventory / Schedule of Condition with photographs*
Obtain signed Inventory from tenant
Arranging Annual Gas Safety Certificate*
Protecting deposit in TDS Scheme
Advising Council of new tenant
Checking meters, advising utility companies
Featured property listing at top of page on Rightmove (as part of marketing process)
Free Tenancy Setup including tenant referencing, legal Agreement and all related paperwork)

* Additional charges apply for documentation.

NB. Management fees are only payable when a suitable tenant is found

During a Tenancy

Collection of rent, prompt transfer to your account, pursuing tenant in case of arrears
Routine Property Visit and report after 2 months; every 4 months thereafter
Dealing with any problems, queries or complaints. (Tenant will only have your contact details if you request this)
Organising any repairs on your behalf and paying contractor from rent received.
Advising on new Safety Regulations and requirements
Accompanied viewings with prospective tenants
Legal advice
Serving of legal notices
Rent Protection. Your rent guaranteed until vacant possession gained *
£100,000 Cover for legal costs to regain possession
Free rent review / preparation of renewal Agreement
Court attendance (if required)
Retention of tax (overseas landlords only)
Providing annual statement for tax purposes

NB. We do not add any additional charges or commission to a contractor’s bill

* Repossession process must have commenced

At the end of a Tenancy

Advising tenant of check-out standards required
Advice on deposit resolution
Organising any work required to reinstate property (e.g. cleaning or gardening)
Free Check Out Inspection and Report. Managing deposit return / deductions
Free Inventory update (including photographs)
Preparing report and photographic evidence for TDS in the event of a deposit dispute
Special visits between tenancies (if required)

Discounts are available for larger portfolios.

If you require a particular service which is not included in your chosen plan and is not mentioned in the above – please contact us for a quote. We will always try to be flexible to meet your needs.

CMP  Certificate

CMP Certificate

TPO  Certificate

Arrange a free market appraisal

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