Nicholas Lambrou, Sheffield Franchisee
Previous sector experience: Worked within financial services
Started trading: August 2017

Reason for choosing a Nicholas Humphreys franchise: I wanted to work for myself and make a real difference in the market. Nicholas Humphreys made it possible for me to do this. I chose Nicholas Humphreys over other franchisors because of the strong support network for now and into the future.
Vision: To be the trusted estate agency in Sheffield, most customer focussed and be the agency that delivers results to Landlords and helps tenants find their new homes.
Personal goal: To be the most respected and leading business in Sheffield. I want to continue enjoying the work that I do and jump out of bed every morning without an alarm clock. Job satisfaction is so important to me. I want to earn a great income and support my family but put something back into the community at the same time.
Advice to prospective franchisees: Put your faith in those within the franchise who support you. There’s no need to make mistakes as they have already been done by somebody else. Be proud of the Nicholas Humphreys brand and believe that you and your business can make a real difference. Be persistant and never let a a bad day get you down. This is a great opportunity.
Find out more about starting a franchise by emailing with any questions.